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Inversion Traction Device

Bac Trac Inversion Table

Bac Trac is an inversion traction machine that is fully adjustable for build, and inversion traction machines have been successfully used by back sufferers and sportspeople for years with good success.

Teeter Hang Ups

The Bac Trac is no longer available.
We recommend the Teeter Inversion Tables as the best alternative.

Teeter Hang Ups

An "inversion traction device" applies stretch to the spine, especially the lower back.

It is applicable to those with narrowed intra-vertebral space, because it can gently ease vertebra apart. This often gives pain relief and restores function for sport etc.
Research suggests benefits are short term, so this is a device you would need to use regularly to keep symptoms away. It therefore folds up and folds out very quickly. If you are seeking a more permanent rehab of your whole spine then please read about the Mobiliser. This device can be hired or purchased, and whilst a lot more expensive than Bac Trac it achieves results consistent with the price!

The measurements are 120 x 72 x 12cms when folded up and its weight is 12kg.
Bac Trac can be used up to a body height of 210cms and has a maximum weight of 110kg.