Rated Number one in the UK, free advice in store or by phone, quick delivery and incredible products.

Some of our FAQ's


Frequently Asked Questions

Please let us know if these questions and answers are helpful and if you found the answer to your question.

To send a comment or question scroll for our contact form below or visit our Contact Us page.

Never more than a phone call away:
Amersham, London, Marlow, Bristol.


General FAQs:

Do you ship outside the UK?

We can ship outside GB addresses, however this must be arranged directly with our staff, and we must receive payment by an irrevocable method such as bank transfer or cleared cheque. You can make contact here, or place an order in store or via the internet where we will contact you before finalisation.

If we are to ship overseas, then we recommend you inspect goods at our warehouse or provide a mainland UK delivery address where you can inspect the goods prior to overseas shipment. We accept no Returns from overseas shipments under any circumstances, except for incorrect goods. In the event of faulty goods, our sole remedy will be to ship a replacement component. We cannot facilitate local fitting or cover the cost of that. We realise these are strong terms and conditions, and we assume you will use a local source of the product if such exists. Our overseas service is intended for customers where a local source does not exist. Many times it may be best for you to arrange for a friend or family to bring the goods back for you.

Will you Price Match / Price Beat?

As we state in our Price Promise, we guarantee the lowest prices. If you have seen any products on special offer elsewhere we will always better the overall price by a decent margin.

You don't need to email us to confirm the Price Beat. Just add the product(s) to your basket and checkout in the normal way. Tell us where and when you've seen the lower price in the comments box when you confirm your order on the last page of the checkout process and we will do the rest!

Can you send me a catalogue for...?

I'm afraid we do not have a catalogue. Many of our products are shown on our website, and most of these have printable versions. If there is anything that you are interested in, but do not see on our website, please call one of our showrooms where we'll be happy to help.

How much is a xxx in my own currency?

We can accept only payment in UK pounds £ by Mastercard, Visa Credit, Visa Debit, Switch, Bank Transfer and Cheque. The exact exchange rate you will get will depend on your card issuer, but you can get an idea of the cost in your own currency from any of the online exchange rate converters, e.g. www.xe.com.

Am I eligible for VAT relief?

VAT relief is available in the UK for medical reasons on some goods, and for goods being sent to non EC countries.

5a. Relief due to health reasons.

We promise that our prices are the best you can get, but there may be a way to save even more! There is a little known VAT office concession which allows most Back in Action customers to buy certain products without paying the VAT element. If you (or someone who will be using one of these specific products) are suffering from a chronic/long term condition you should fully explore if this concession applies.

To make it clear: the 20% VAT saving is in addition to the low prices shown on the Back in Action web site unless it says otherwise.

To make sure you don't miss out on this concession here is a brief summary:

  1. To claim the VAT concession both you and the product you are buying from us must qualify.
  2. To decide if your condition allows the concession simply call us. We will talk you through the criteria.
  3. If we agree that your condition justifies VAT relief Back in Action will deduct VAT on the following products.

    Back in Action Mattress
    All mattresses when purchased with an adjustable base
    Riser chairs
    The Mobiliser.
    MBT shoes
    Mammoth Mattress
  4. You will be sent a BACK IN ACTOIN VAT EXEMPTION FORM with your order confirmation, on which you will simply say your condition, sign it, and then post or fax back to us. We sign it, and keep it on file with your order paperwork. If you do not return the form inside 14 days then (of course) we will have to charge you the VAT.
  5. VAT registered companies such as Back in Action have their VAT figures checked on average every three years. During this the VAT office will select a few forms and check that everything is correct from your side and ours.

To summarise: As a health orientated centre we are in a unique position to help you claim what is rightfully available. If your condition and the product you are buying qualifies then we will not charge VAT. We provide you with a simple form, and if this is correctly filled in we confirm that we will not charge the VAT. You don't need to provide us with any proof, but you may need to do so to the VAT office if they select your sale as a random check. The majority of Back in Action customers find they are eligible for this relief.

5b. VAT Relief due to country of destination

There are concessions which allow us to remove VAT for items that are being taken outside the European Community by non EC residents.

We will be delighted to sell items without charging VAT, but the obligation for meeting the necessary conditions is the customer's, and the following simple guide will help you decide if VAT must be paid or not.

Overseas VAT guide:

a. Where, and how, are you planning to purchase?

UK VAT laws are different when you purchase in person/in store than if you purchase remotely.

Purchase in store:

If you purchase in store then you will pay VAT at first, and reclaim the VAT later. You reclaim it by completing and signing a form 407, we add details of the purchase. As you leave the country (3 months max) you show this form and the goods to UK customs. The form is endorsed by UK customs and you post it back to us. ON RECEIPT WE REFUND THE VAT, in full, less an amount to cover our administration costs. Our charge will be £15, plus any charges for bank transfers if appropriate.

In general this means that reclaiming VAT is worthwhile for in store purchases over £150 only.

Purchase remotely:

When you purchase remotely we can grant VAT relief but, UK law prohibits doing this via form 407. Instead, we can remove VAT if we, or you, are shipping the goods directly outside the EC. We can also remove VAT, if you or we, arrange shipping to an address outside the EC via a recognised agent/carrier. If we are handing over goods to a freight agent/carrier we may ask for the VAT to be held on account until we get proof of export, and this may delay VAT relief being finalised for a few weeks if they are slow ... but it always happens in due course.

b. Are you a non EC resident?

Because the above only apply to non EC residents it is a requirement of UK VAT office that we see ID such as a passport. This should be with you when purchasing in store, and we may ask for it and /or a utility bill to be faxed to us if you are purchasing remotely.

c. Refunds and returns: please see our separate policy statement.

Which chair is right for me?

Back in Action staff have the skills to help you make an informed choice. However, even with 20 years experience, we cannot guarantee the effectiveness of any product to relieve any specific symptoms. It is almost impossible to recommend a chair without seeing you and without you trying them out yourself.

In our experience, your habitual posture when sitting is a key factor, and without making positive changes to this, changing your chair is unlikely to make much significant difference. We offer a postural training service to all clients who visit us for an office chair, and it is this that makes the biggest difference. The chair becomes a tool to help you maintain the positive changes to your posture and balance without strain.

Clients travel to see us from all over the UK, including Scotland and Ireland (and sometimes from even further afield), to take advantage of our unique training and advice. All four of our showrooms offer free appointments for this to ensure that there is someone free to see you, as the process typically takes 60-90 minutes, including choosing a chair. Simply telephone the showroom which is most convenient to you to book.

Tripp Trapp FAQs:

Will you Price Match Tripp Trapp?

Yes, we will beat any like-for-like offer by £1.50 (i.e. same colours, etc.) This includes 'combination' packages. We have all colours in stock, and would normally expect you to receive your goods within a day or two. (see delivery).

You don't need to email us to confirm the Price Beat. Just add the product(s) to your basket and checkout in the normal way. Tell us where and when you've seen the lower price in the comments box when you confirm your order on the last page of the checkout process. We will always contact you before processing your payment to confirm the discount price.

Key Tripp Trapp tips.

Good question ... so there are thourough instructions included.

If you request a Tripp Trapp on-line we will call to make sure you know how to keep your child both happy and safe. When you checkout we ask you for a contact telephone number. We will ring you back within the time band you request to answer any questions you may have such as about delivery, assembly, harnessing, cleaning, options, adjustment or warranty.

Meantime: here are a few key points

IMPORTANT: For children of all ages the adjustment of the chair is important. You should adjust your Tripp-trapp regularly.

Subscribe to our newsletter and we will send you an occasional reminder and a re-issue of our comprehensive instructions.

Why adjust your Tripp Trapp?

  1. Behavior / Wellbeing:

    If a young child encounters something that is uncomfortable, like a shoe with a stone in it, or a top with a harsh label, they are inclined to keep going at first but to become fractious and fidgetty. Their language skills are just not up to explaining whats wrong so behaving "badly" usually gets them attention.

    When a child is forced to fit into a normal high chair they will often become uncomfortable in a few minutes. By adjusting the trip Trapp correctly for their size they can sit comfortably for far longer and their behaviour normally improves.

  2. Safety:

    A strong, healthy child who is uncomfortable can throw a paddy and push against the table. If they push hard enough they might push over any high chair. There is no way to avoid all risk of this unless you are prepared to sit with your child at all times etc. but the advantage of a tripp Trapp is that you can adjust it to be comfortable, and decrease your childs pushing.

  3. Ease of access: A correctly adjusted Tripp Trapp makes it easy for you to get your child in and out. If the seat is set too long then it is unneccessarily difficult ... (for some reasons restaurants do this all the time ... drives us nutty!)

Need Cushion Set the Tripp Trapp?

Our general advice to parents is that the cushion set is purely cosmetic. By all means have one if you like the look of it, but in our experience it does not make the chair more comfortable. In fact, we specifically advise against using the seat part of the cushion set for young babies because it encourages you to set the seat of the chair too far forward for the baby to be comfortable, and it makes it more difficult for the child to swivel on the chair; a baby already has plenty of seat padding via a nappy anyway.

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