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Caring for your MBTs

MBT Care

MBTs are like ordinary shoes... but better!

All shoes gradually wear over time according to the number of hours they are worn.

MBT Care

Easy Care Instructions

Of course, most people have many pairs of shoes which therefore share the daily load and last for many years.

Our MBT customers love them so much that they often wear their first pair for hours every day, month after month.

If you will be doing that, it is sensible to have different styles of MBT so you can spread the load and match them with different clothes. Then, the chances are you will notice your MBTs last as long as other great quality footwear; probably longer.

But there are steps you can take to lengthen their life, and you are covered by a warranty if there should be a manufacturing fault.

MBT Care

The sole contruction and the Masai Sensor must not come into contact with aggressive fluids (acids, disinfectants...) or salts (sand,..), fats or grease, fertilizer, manure or protein (blood,..). If contact with any of these substances is made clean off with a sponge and soapy water immediately, otherwise corrosion can occur. If MBTs are not cared for properly the warranty becomes void.

MBT Care

MBT Care

If dirty or muddy, clean and dry them immediately.

MBT Care

MBT Care

MBTs can be worn in rainy conditions, but should be left to dry slowly and well away from direct heat until completely dry, before being worn again.

MBT Care

MBT Care

Avoid mechanical damage by protecting the heel sensor from sharp objects.

MBT Care

MBT Care

Walking correctly in MBTs will see wear in the midsole but very little at the front or rear areas. If there is too much wear in the rear it would indicate that the step is being taken too far in front of the body or that there is too much roll in the step. Tip; apply more pressure in the midfoot (pivot point) and on the outer edge. Do not roll forward too much.

MBT Care

Correct Size

It is important to choose the correct size of MBTs. In contrast to normal shoes the toes ARE allowed to almost touch the front of the MBT as the foot will naturally move backwards through the action of putting the load initially on the Pivot Point. If there is too much roll due to excessive space in the MBTs or due to too much forward roll in the gait, blisters can form.

Care for Leather MBTs

Prior to use, application of a good quality shoe polish to leather uppers will enhance appearance and life of MBTs.

Kneeling in MBTs, Tip

Walking correctly in MBTs will see wear in the midsole but very little at the front or rear areas. If there is too much wear in the rear it would indicate that the step is being taken too far in front of the body or that there is too much roll in the step. Tip; apply more pressure in the midfoot (pivot point) and on the outer edge. Do not roll forward too much.

Kneeling in MBTs, Tip

Sandal Fitting, Tip

Make sure your foot is right to the back of the Sandal and the straps are tight but comfortable. Close the back strap first when fitting MBT Sandal.

Sandal Fitting, Tip

Sandal Width, Tip

If the front Sandal strap is too tight you can make a small cut in the existing hole to allow more expansion. See example opposite.

Sandal Width, Tip

Heel Slipping or Blisters, Tip

Due to the curve in the MBT sole which enhances the posture and muscle activation capabilities of MBTs you will experience some heel movement normally. If this is excessive it can cause blisters due to friction between the skin and the lining of the shoe.

Excessive heel movement can be caused by:

  1. Laces not tight enough around the instep - they should always be snugly tight.
  2. A person rolling too much off the toe (as often in the case when power walking). Correct this by NOT launching off the toe. Make sure to tap the heel into the back of the MBT & lace snugly.
  3. If you have a high instep - tap the heel into the back of the MBT before lacing them up, then double lace the top eyelet of the MBT and tie it up.
Heel Slipping or Blisters, Tip

Washing MBTs, Tip

You can wash MBTs by hand (do not put in washing machine) at 30 degrees Celsius, making sure they are completely dry before wearing them again

The feet naturally become warm when wearing MBTs as blood circulation is improved due to the additional muscle activation. This may result in increased sweat production until the body adjusts to the better circulation. To counteract that you may use any commercial 'active carbon insole' or apply Tea Tree oil to the MBT insole.

Washing MBTs, Tip

MBT Warranty

MBTs are a health and fitness tool and as such will provide long and very beneficial use once cared for and used properly. MBTs have two years warranty from date of purchase. The warranty covers manufacturer's defect and if this occurs the manufacturer reserves the right to either repair or replace. The warranty does NOT cover wear and tear either normal or due to incorrect usage or incorrect care of the MBTs.

NB: MBT shoes may deteriorate if un-worn for long periods of time. We recommend regular use for maximum benefit and longevity