Rated Number one in the UK, free advice in store or by phone, quick delivery and incredible products.

Award Winning Highchair

Tripp Trapp

Our favourite chair of all time - The children's chair that grows with the child.

Why do we love it so much? Well because it's beautiful and gives perfect support at every stage of your child's development.

Buy Online, In Store or By Phone: 0207 935 9120

Tripp Trapp

Try Our Furniture in Store:

The UK's largest distributor of the Tripp Trapp

Stokke Brand Profile

Stokke is a gem of a company from Norway and has carved out a niche by working with the brilliant designer Peter Opsvik  

The Tripp Trapp high chair is not just a chair; it's a companion in the journey of growing up, with adjustments to fit every stage and protect your children's spines.

BackInAction have sold thousands of Tripp traps to parents and helps teach them how to support their child's developments and spinal health. Pop into store to chat to one of our experts. 

Stokke - The UK's largest distributor of the Tripp Trapp