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Sleep Range

Thank you for taking an interest in our Ayela range. We are currently reviewing our offerings of weighted blanket but can still help you find something that works for you. Head to our sleep page to have a look.

Better Sleep Starts Here

Aeyla Weighted Blanket

Grounded In Science

Aeyla Weighted Blanket

Aeyla Weighted Blanket

Grounded In Science

The cozy feeling of a hug goes a long way. The technique of a weighted blanket - often referred to as Deep Touch Pressure Therapy (DTP), which is when pressure is applied equally across the body to make you feel more grounded. Studies have shown that DTP has amazing benefits for all kinds of people. It’s also great for people who just like to be comfortable and de-stress after a long day, which begs the question of "why wouldn't you want one?"

If you happen to be a sleep fidget, have difficulty sleeping or take up the bed like a starfish, then a weighted blanket could be for you! 

We have seen this work beautifully with The Mobiliser, the downward pressure relaxes the body and allows the spine to be mobilised much more easily. 

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