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Backfriend Carry Bag

In Stock

Backfriend Carry Bag

Backfriend Carry Bag



In Stock Delivery Time: 1-2 days
Out of Stock Delivery Time: 8-10 weeks


At Back in Action we want to ensure you get superb value and service every time.

We regularly monitor and update our pricing to ensure that you get great products and great service, all at a great price.

If you do find a cheaper like-for-like price, then all Back in Action staff have management approval to match a competitor's price.

Portable Carry Bag

Backfriend Bag

The MEDesign Backfriend is one of the best posture aids we have ever found for reclined supported sitting.

Backfriend Bag


Portable Carry Bag

If you do lots of desk work we recommend a visit to one of our stores or a phone consultation/chat to discuss the best options for long hours at a desk.

We stock the MEDesign Backfriend in either single or double padding and can deliver on an overnight courier.
We strongly recommend the single padded version rather than the double padded version as the double version can be too high for some car seats.
The Double Padded Version is for those with impaired circulation that sit for long periods.

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