Rated Number one in the UK, free advice in store or by phone, quick delivery and incredible products.

Two Leaves

Environment and Sustainability - Level Two

We believe our planet is precious, so we don't want you to buy things again and again and again. We want you to buy it once and buy it right - and then we want it to last you a life time.

We pride ourselves on working with manufacturers who shares these values.

Environment and Sustainability - Level Two

Two Leaves: Kind to the Planet

  1. Designed to last a long time, therefore reducing carbon emissions through reduced need for repeat production.

  2. Kind to the Planet using sustainable manufacturing methods and recycled or sustainable materials.
    & or manufactured in the UK, Leading to huge reductions in carbon emissions while supporting independent businesses and the UK Economy. 

We take huge pride in working almost exclusively with companies whose products are designed to last 10-20 years. Many of the chairs we sold back in 1987 are still in use, and we have helped to repair many of the small number that needed it over the last 35 years.

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Groundbreaking Furniture to Beat Back Pain

Back in Action Brand Profile

Back in Action was started in 1987 by David Newbound, an engineer who suffered a debilitating neck injury & his wife Lindall Pearce, an artist with an eye for design.

David formed the company when he discovered there was an alternative to constant pain, to share information and products to help other people.

Over the last 35 years we have helped thousands of people, we're very proud of what we do & our caring compassionate team.