Rated Number one in the UK, free advice in store or by phone, quick delivery and incredible products.

Anyone who has ever struggled with the awkward transfer of a sleeping child from stroller to car seat and back to stroller, knows how much stress this apparently simple operation can cause for parents and how much unnecessary upset it can cause the little one who's just trying to have a peaceful snooze.

Enter the brilliant new Stokke ® iZi Sleep ™ Car Seat by BeSafe ®, which makes managing the transfer so easy. The Stokke ® iZi Sleep ™ by BeSafe ® is both a car seat and a stroller seat.

When attached to the Stokke ® Xplory ® chassis, the seat has both an active and a rest position to suit your child's mood, a visor to protect against the elements and safety indicators to let you know that its been correctly attached the seat to the chassis.
The Stokke ® iZiSleep ™ by BeSafe ® is designed to maximize the opportunities for a child to remain in an optimal lying down position. This is crucial for child's development, relieving pressure on your child's back and allowing oxygen to be more easily exchanged.

When in the car you can choose to use the iZiSleep ™ Base or just use the seat belt. When using just the seat belts it is important to follow instruction closely, as reports have shown that 70% of car seats are incorrectly installed. The iZiSleep ™ Base makes it easy for you to get it right and again there are safety indicators to let you know when the seat is securely attached to the base.

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The UK's largest distributor of the Tripp Trapp

Stokke Brand Profile

Stokke is a gem of a company from Norway and has carved out a niche by working with the brilliant designer Peter Opsvik  

The Tripp Trapp high chair is not just a chair; it's a companion in the journey of growing up, with adjustments to fit every stage and protect your children's spines.

BackInAction have sold thousands of Tripp traps to parents and helps teach them how to support their child's developments and spinal health. Pop into store to chat to one of our experts. 

Stokke - The UK's largest distributor of the Tripp Trapp