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How MBT works and why it might help you...

MBT Information

MBT shoes can change the way most of us use our muscles as well as reduce shock forces to the entire skeletal system. Unlike most conventional training shoes that only support and cushion your feet, the unique lever spring action of MBT's challenge the core strengthening muscles to be more active.

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MBT Information

Understanding the shoe

What is Masai Barefoot Technology?

In essence Masai Barefoot Technology (MBT) is a redesign of shoes that cause the user to have to balance while they walk.

Like almost all Back in Action products the intention is to create a life style more compatible with the way our bodies evolved and we evolved walking on surfaces with 'give'. Walking on hard surfaces puts our body through extremes of unnatural pressure; overloads the joints from the ankles, knees, hips to lower back and upwards through the spine.

Conventional training shoes typically only support and cushion your feet; the unique lever spring action of MBT's challenge the core strengthening muscles to be more active.MBT shoes make all sufaces like walking on sand and create a natural balanced walking posture, increased shock absorption for joints and, once acclimatised, users report exceptional increases in vitality and well being.

Wearing MBT's can help Muscle Toning, Core Stability, Weight Reduction and Improved Posture. Developed to cure back and joint problems, MBT changes a passive, straining gait into an active gait pattern that is gentler on the back and additionally stabilizes the pelvis and the spine.

Helps with Fitness

MBT for Health and Well-Being

Most muscular and skeletal problems originate from poor posture and faulty gait patterns.

Due to MBT's unique curved layered sole (which is protected by design rights), it lengthens the body into a tall, upright posture and encourages use of neglected muscle groups. When walking or jogging users engage untrained muscles and burn more calories, helping people to tone and to lose weight efficiently.

Even while standing the muscles continue working to maintain a centre of balance. With every step taken, MBT is therapeutic and simultaneously preventative.

At Back in Action we like to see MBT's used as part of a comprehensive approach to body health.

MBT for Health and Well-Being

Best in Combination

For example:

  1. The Mobiliser can restore lost movement in spinal joints and MBT's can develop the core muscles to take full advantage of the new easy spinal movement.
  2. The Actulum chair creates balance and vitality while sitting, but most of our clients are still too inactive in their daily life. MBTs increase the energy used in walking and particularly develop the core muscles, thus restoring a more nomadic lifestyle without giving up the day job!
  3. A Back in Action mattress should allow greater rest and repair at night, but MBT shoes can then build on the better start to each day by using the deeper muscles and driving increased general fitness.

Most of us are too rushed in life. We are often pressurized into a forward stance or worse our posture gets forgotten completely. Everything is 'on the go' in forwards motion, as illustrated in the pictures.

If you stop for a moment and think about your posture, check out your spine shape. What is your postural alignment like? Do you feel pressure through your body? Perhaps its time for a change...

Different intensities

MBT Stabilities

Stability: Activate

The MBT designs from the Activate Series are ideal for a first introduction to the shoes of MBT.

If you want to get rid of your ordinary shoes and you want to find out what it means to wear MBT shoes, the shoes from the Activate series are perfect for you. The benefit of the Activate shoes is that these shoes make it easier to stand still. The slope of the sole is a little less defined than MBT shoes from different series, which helps you to find your balance. At the same time, the rounded sole still improves the unrolling of the foot during walking. The MBT Sensor’s shock absorbing quality is the same in any MBT shoe, regardless of the MBT index.

Do you walk less than you stand still, and you still want the comfort that MBT has to offer because you have a standing profession, for instance behind the counter or in at a production line in a factory, then the MBT index Activate will meet your requirements.

Stability: Dynamic

The MBT designs from the Dynamic Series are suitable for any situation. Both fervent walkers and people with standing professions choose the MBT shoes from the Dynamic series.

The shoes from these series are characterised by their sole which is more rounded than the shoes from the Activate series, which demands more muscle activity to keep the body balanced. This results in a more active posture which enlarges the benefits from MBT, such as the reduction of pressure on the lower back. The rounded sole also ensures a better unrolling of the foot and a better distribution of the pressure on the soles of your feet.

Because of these benefits, the MBT index Dynamic is the perfect balance between easily standing still and a perfect unrolling while walking.

Stability: Performance

The highest level of instability among the MBT shoes: the Performance Series. Shoes which carry this index are suited for an experienced MBT walker and can be regarded as the supreme MBT sensation.

The shoes from the Performance series are characterised by well-rounded soles, which continually force the body to find its balance. Although these shoes require a certain amount of practise, they also deliver the best results: a perfected distribution of pressure over the entire foot and a relief of the conventional pressure points of forefoot and heel.

Because of this, the Performance shoes are especially appreciated by people who suffer from diverse foot problems. On top of that, these designs are perfect for people who wish to achieve a more active body posture.

Loved by sportspeople

MBT for Sport & Fitness

Top teams, world champions and olympic medallists use MBT for training and testify the positive impact on their training and performance.

Training with MBT improves: Coordination, Core Stability, Power & Speed, Running Style, Endurance, Flexibility, Recovery and Injury Prevention. Performing at a high level needs to balance all of your abilities. MBT makes training more effective, challenging and gentle to your spine.

Beat Back Pain

MBT for Medical & Therapy

For treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of: back, hip, leg and feet problems, joint, muscle, ligament and tendon injuries, therapy resistance. GPs, Physiotherapists, Osteopaths, Chiropractors and Alexander Technique teachers recommend the use of MBTs to successfully help prevent and treat injuries.

Through the bio-mechanical function of MBT, the muscles, joints and spine begin to function in an anatomically correct manner. The postural muscles are toned up, joint wear is reduced, and pain is relieved.

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