Rated Number one in the UK, free advice in store or by phone, quick delivery and incredible products.

Use the Mobiliser In store:

Try The Mobiliser

The Mobiliser is the ground breaking system we developed to beat long standing back pain.  Its a great success story, helping tens of thousands to beat back pain.  Now approved by the UK Military, and used by practitioners all over the world, it's available to use by you.

Try The Mobiliser

Where you can try

We have 4 lovely stores in ♦ London, ♦ Bristol, ♦ Amersham and ♦ Marlow. Click on your closest store to view opening times.

  • Your First Session includes a discussion with one of experienced back care team.
  • We will show you how to select the best starter level, and how you can use the Mobiliser System more deeply as you progress. Most people feel taller and more flexible after the first session.
  • First session effects last from hours to a week. Later sessions increase permanance and can be life changing after 10 to 20 sessions.

Can't get to one of our stores? Get in touch to chat by phone about the Mobilisers suitability for you, check our exhibition schedule or CLICK HERE to read about hiring for home use. From our experience the best results are achieved when the Mobiliser is used in the comfort of your own home.

Try Our Furniture in Store:

Contact Us

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We send occasional newsletters regarding service information on products, associated items, and general health tips.

By sending an enquiry via this website you agree to our privacy and cookie policy which can be found here.

Groundbreaking Furniture to Beat Back Pain

Back in Action Brand Profile

Back in Action was started in 1987 by David Newbound, an engineer who suffered a debilitating neck injury & his wife Lindall Pearce, an artist with an eye for design.

David formed the company when he discovered there was an alternative to constant pain, to share information and products to help other people.

Over the last 35 years we have helped thousands of people, we're very proud of what we do & our caring compassionate team.