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Evoluent Vertical Mouse

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Evoluent Vertical Mouse

The Evoluent Vertical Mouse 4 is a fantastic updated version of the much loved Evoluent Vertical Mouse. The lit Evoluent logo adds a touch of style, while the improved thumb rest and additional thumb buttons enhance ergonomic functionality and user experience.

Evoluent Vertical Mouse

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Warranty: 1 Year

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Eliminates Arm Twisting

Evoluent Vertical Mouse

The Evoluent VerticalMouse supports your hand in a relaxed handshake position and eliminates arm twisting. The grip is the same as an ordinary mouse, just turned sideways, and the buttons are operated by the same fingers. There is virtually no retraining necessary.

The shape (which is protected by design rights) supports your hand in a relaxed handshake position that eliminates forearm twisting. You will quickly become accustomed to the improved comfort.

An ordinary horizontal mouse requires your forearm to twist away from its natural position.

Evoluent Vertical Mouse

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