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BIA Desk Single Column White - IN STOCK

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  • Compact Single Column
  • BIA Desk Single Column White - IN STOCK
  • BIA Desk Single Column White - IN STOCK
  • BIA Desk Single Column White - IN STOCK
  • BIA Desk Single Column White - IN STOCK
In Stock

Back in Action

BIA Desk Single Column White - IN STOCK

This BIA Single Column Electric Sit Stand Desk costs a small amount more but is the most popular because it combines strength with a gorgeous clean sleek design. Perfect for a contemporary office or for your home office.

Includes FREE home next day boxed delivery!

Strong Beamless White Single Column Steel Frame 
2.5cm Melamine Top Available In 2 Colours
Width: 100cm Depth: 60cm

Single motor drive | 70kg capacity | Memory Master | Soft start & stop | Suitable for lightweight desktop items

BIA Desk Single Column White - IN STOCK

Stock: 1 left in stock ✓

RRP £684


Best-Selling Compact Desk

Compact Sit-Stand Desks In Stock

The BackinAction Compact height adjustable desk is designed for Sit to Stand working when you have a small workspace - it's our favourite litle space saver!

NB - Single-column sit-to-stand desks although a great space saver can be more wobbly than their two-legged sit-to-stand counterparts. If you are looking for compact stability we can offer bespoke mini desks with two legs: get in touch. 

Compact Sit-Stand Desks In Stock

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Back in Action Brand Profile

Back in Action was started in 1987 by David Newbound, an engineer who suffered a debilitating neck injury & his wife Lindall Pearce, an artist with an eye for design.

David formed the company when he discovered there was an alternative to constant pain, to share information and products to help other people.

Over the last 35 years we have helped thousands of people, we're very proud of what we do & our caring compassionate team.