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Putnams Lumbar Rolls

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Putnams Lumbar Rolls

4 Inch Roll: 30cm x 10cm (12" x 4")

5 Inch Roll: 30cm x 13cm (12" x 5")

D Roll: 30cm (12") long

Putnams Lumbar Rolls

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In Stock Delivery Time: 1-2 days
Out of Stock Delivery Time: 1-2 weeks


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We regularly monitor and update our pricing to ensure that you get great products and great service, all at a great price.

If you do find a cheaper like-for-like price, then all Back in Action staff have management approval to match a competitor's price.

Portable Lumbar Support

Putnams Lumbar Roll

A lumbar roll makes car journeys and sitting more comfortable.

Putnams Lumbar Roll

Extra Support For When You Need It

The lumbar rolls are designed to give you support in the lumbar region to help improve and support your posture when sitting at home, the office or in the car.

The lumbar rolls should be placed just below the waist line across the top of the sacroiliac joints, sit well back in your seat and adjust for immediate lumbar support. Made from Super 50 grade foam, (30cm long) covered in hard wearing velour with adjustable fixing strap.

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UK manufacturer of brilliant high quality products.

Putnams Brand Profile

Putnams is a UK-based company specialising in ergonomic solutions, including pillows and kneeling chairs.

Using British manufacturing enables us (BackInAction) to keep our carbon footprint low and support local industry.

They focus on products that promote comfort and well-being.