Rated Number one in the UK, free advice in store or by phone, quick delivery and incredible products.

Back in Action

Posture Pack writing slope with storage case - Box of 6

Back in Action

Posture Pack writing slope with storage case - Box of 6

Mulitpack of 6 Posture Pack writing slopes with storage case

Writing slope and storage case.

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Stock: Due Soon



Warranty: 6 Months



At Back in Action we want to ensure you get superb value and service every time.

We regularly monitor and update our pricing to ensure that you get great products and great service, all at a great price.

If you do find a cheaper like-for-like price, then all Back in Action staff have management approval to match a competitor's price.

Bulk Slopes

Posture Pack Bulk Purchase

Posture Pack Bulk

Posture Pack Bulk Purchase

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Groundbreaking Furniture to Beat Back Pain

Back in Action Brand Profile

Back in Action was started in 1987 by David Newbound, an engineer who suffered a debilitating neck injury & his wife Lindall Pearce, an artist with an eye for design.

David formed the company when he discovered there was an alternative to constant pain, to share information and products to help other people.

Over the last 35 years we have helped thousands of people, we're very proud of what we do & our caring compassionate team.