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SitFit Sitting Aid

In Stock

SitFit Sitting Aid

The circular Sit Fit cushion with  variations of 33cm, 36cm and Plus.

  • Relieves upper body tension and builds back musculature
  • Can be stood on to increase flexibility in the foot and ankle
  • Proven helpful in cases of ADHD and Dyspraxia
  • Pre inflated to the optimum pressure
  • Complete with exercise poster
  • Latex and phthalate free

SitFit Sitting Aid

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SitFit Sitting Aid

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SitFit Sitting Aid

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In Stock Delivery Time: 1-2 days
Out of Stock Delivery Time: 4-6 weeks


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We regularly monitor and update our pricing to ensure that you get great products and great service, all at a great price.

If you do find a cheaper like-for-like price, then all Back in Action staff have management approval to match a competitor's price.

Dynamic Sitting Aids

Sissel Sitfit & Sitfit Plus

Combines the advantages of the sitting wedge and gym ball...

Sitfit is an active & dynamic sitting aid that helps strengthen upper body & back muscles, feet and leg muscles and helps prevents back problems.

Sitfit combines the advantages of the sitting wedge, gym ball and wobble board. It is a versatile piece of equipment that can be used on a wide range of furniture.

Sissel Sitfit & Sitfit Plus

SITFIT range safety information

The SISSEL' SITFIT* / SITFIT* Plus is a multifunctional, ergonomic, air-fitted seat cushion for active and anatomically correct sitting. It is also a training aid for several exercises while sitting and standing. As such, this device is used by many with all kinds of varying goals. For any specific conditions, it is recommended that you ask your chosen medical professional. Backinaction staff have great experience in selling sitfits and can help you to understand how using one might make you feel, if you wish to talk to one of our trained staff, please just call us!

  • Check the integrity of the product before each use. In case of damage, the function of the product and safer is no longer guaranteed.
  • Do not use the product in the immediate proximity of heat sources (e.g. radiators, hotplates, open flames, flying sparks) and avoid direct sunlight.
  • Keep the area of use free of sharp or pointy objects.
  • The product should not come into direct contact with painted or coated surfaces.
  • Use the product only on dry. non-slip, straight surfaces, e.g. on seats of chairs, stools or benches.
  • Do not use the product on soft surfaces, e.g. on seats of armchairs or sofas.
  • Choose an exercise program that fits your physical strength and fitness level and avoid overty difficult exercises or experiments with increased risk.
  • Use only accessories recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Use by children, adolescents and during pregnancy as well as in case of existing health problems only under professional supervision and after consultation with a doctor.

If you have any questions or concerns about suitability, we have many years of experience in matching people (adults and children) to sitfits and are happy to advise

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