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Ergotron Laptop Holder

Ergotron Laptop Holder

Ergotron Monitor Arm with Laptop Attachment

  • Weight Capacity: 3.1 - 9.1kg

Metalicon Laptop Attachment Silver

Choose your Laptop Holder:

Single Screen Ergotron Monitor Arm.

  • Weight Capacity: 3.1 - 9.1kg

Dual Screen Ergotron Monitor Arm

  • Weight Capacity: 3.1 - 9.1kg (per screen)

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Stock: Due Soon



5 year warranty on the frame. 

3 years warranty on the motor and the electrics.


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We regularly monitor and update our pricing to ensure that you get great products and great service, all at a great price.

If you do find a cheaper like-for-like price, then all Back in Action staff have management approval to match a competitor's price.

Bring Your Laptop To Eye-Level

Laptop Arm

A Laptop Arm adds flexibility to any workplace as it positions the notebook screen to the perfect position to relieve eye, neck and back strain. Laptop Arms lift the laptop off the desktop reclaiming valuable desk space. It enables you to use your laptop display as your main display eliminating the cost of buying an extra screen.

As an alternative option, a dual-screen configuration is easily created by placing the notebook side-by-side with your existing computer monitor.

Laptop Arm

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